Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

How to Count to 20 in Japanese

Are you trying to learn Japanese, yet still do not know how to count to twenty? If so, read on... :

  • The rules are = Japanese number-English Number-Pronunciation
  • Ichi 1 ee-chi
  • Ni 2 nee
  • San 3 Sahn
  • Shi/Yon 4 Shee/yohn
  • Go 5 goh
  • Roku 6 rock eww
  • Nana/Shichi 7 nah-nah/sheechi
  • Hachi 8 hah-chi
  • Kyu 9 kyue
  • Jyu 10 Jyue
  • Note: 11 starts over as Jyu-ichi Jyu-ni Jyu-san and so on....
  • Note: 20 is Ni-jyu
  • 14 is Jyu-YON.....jyu-shi is incorrect....

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Free Edutainment Game, GCompris

GCompris is educational software containing a variety of activities for children aged 2 to 10 years. Some game-oriented activities but still educational. Below you can see a list of categories that contain a variety of activities.

  • introduction of the computer: keyboard (keyboard), mouse (mouse), various kinds of performances mouse, ...
  • algebra: table memory, sequence, double entry table, reflecting the image, ...
  • natural science: the door of the canal, the water cycle, the submarine, electric circuits ...
  • geography: place the country on the map
  • games: chess, memory, connect 4, oware, sudoku ...
  • reading: reading practice
  • Other: recognize hour, jigsaw puzzle, vector drawing, making animations, ...

Currently GCompris contains more than 100 activities and are still being developed. GCompris is free software, which means you can customize to your needs, develop, and most importantly, to share with children around the world.

Click Here for Download
source :

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

Telkom Indonesia, also Transforming to Edutainment Company

In line with the change occurred in various aspects of living and to respond to new business environment challenge, PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom), makes business transformation fundamentally followed by the introduction of new corporate identity to welcome Telkom new era as the only one T.I.M.E (Telecommunication, Information, Media and Edutainment) company in Indonesia.
President Director Telkom, Rinaldi Firmansyah, said, now there are various fundamental changes around us, from the change of business environment (competition and regulations) and change of technology and lifestyle.
“To respond to the future challenge, Telkom decides to make a thorough and fundamental transformation,” explained Rinaldi. The transformation this time is the greatest along Telkom history, as it is fundamental, thorough and integrated, and also touching four basic aspects of corporation, those are: Business Transformation, Infrastructure Transformation, System Transformation and Operation Model and Human Resources Transformation.
Transformation, according to Rinaldi is inevitable. “To anticipate future lifestyle, Telkom transforms from ‘Separate Providers’ to ‘Single Provider’ so that T.I.M.E. has been decided as a new business portofolio,” he confirmed.
In supporting the transformation, Telkom has decided 10 Strategic Initiatives referring to the defense strategy of the legacy and grow the new wave and strategic objectives, that is, reaching 60 % of industry revenue in year 2014.
Related to the transformation, Telkom also makes fundamental transformation in the aspect of brand to improve the company image in front of its stakeholders and to determine transformation in business portofolio, positioning, value, tagline and corporate identity. With the new corporate identity, Telkom applies new cultures, those are, commitment, spirit, promise, product and service quality and also service culture that are absolutely new.
Telkom also brings new positioning comprising Life Confident, 5 new values such as Expertise, Empowering, Assured, Progressive & Heart, new tagline named The World is in Your Hand (to replace Committed 2U) and having a new corporate identity (logo).

Through the new image, it is expected that Telkom is able to give a new experience that is different from the previous one to the stakeholders. Such new experience is a better service than any operators they have known and felt, service that will stimulate a really new experience,
Telkom has also decided its anniversary on October 23. Decision of this anniversary refers to the operation of the first electromagnetic telegraph service connecting Batavia (now Jakarta) and Buitenzorg (Bogor) on October 23, 1856. So that Telkom will commemorate the anniversary for the first time this year as the153rd anniversary of Telkom.

Portofolio Business : T.I. M. E (Telecommunication, Information, Media & Edutainment)

Positioning : Life Confident. Our expertise and dedication to progress with customer needs at the heart of our business, provides all our customers with the confidence to live the lives they choose, on their terms and in their time.

Tag Line : The World is in Your Hand. Telkom with its Life Confident is destined to transform the “weight of the world” that many feel are burdened with, into enabling people to turn it around.

The new Telkom makes it simple for people to access the world, to understand it, to learn, and to have a voice in it. Enabling people to do more, and deliver the world into their hands.

A simple message to the people, that the world is theirs.

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

ABC KID GENIUS, Good Software for Children

This software teach children the alphabet, numbers, counting, reading, and spelling using sound, pictures, and video clips. Using the recognition method young children learn by watching auto rotating lessons. Toddlers learn to use the keyboard. Children progress to type the alphabet. Includes story reading, flash words and spelling. You can also create your own spelling words using your pictures, voice and video clips."

Click Here for Download

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Miguel Sabido, World Pioneer of Edutainment

Miguel Sabido directed his first theater play in 1959, and ever since, he has directed over 30. He wrote his first historic telenovella " La Tormenta"(The Storm) in 1967. It dealt with the French invasion to Mexico. This telenovella became a landmark in world’s television. It was broadcast ten years before “Roots”. He has written six historic telenovellas to date on the Epic Mural of the History of Mexico.

He produced his first professional theater play in 1964. A classic of Spanish literature "El Gran Teatro del Mundo" (The Great Theater of the World) by Calderon de la Barca. It was acclaimed and awarded by the critics to sold out performances. The same phenomenon was repeated with other classics:"La Celestia" by Fernando de Rojas in 1967, "The Miser" by Moliere. Sabido’s masterpiece as a playwright: "A False Chronicle of Joan de Mad, with over 2000 representations, staged in several countries and languages, among them, in English, at La Mamma in New York. He has directed and written for the most outstanding actresses and actors in the Spanish-language show business.

His interest in Mexico and his indigenous background led him to study the Mexican Ritual Popular Theater. He rescued the roots and essence of several traditions, among them, the most important and strong of them La pastorela, A Christmas pagent in which devils and angels fight to gain the sould of humans.

Since 1967, Sabido has systematically studied the concept of the Social and Civilizing Use of Mass Media, both from the theoretical and practical view points.

For 17 years he was “Vice-President for Research” of the Communications Network Televisa, chaired by Emilio Azcarraga Milmo. He performed a unique and extraordinary work there:
The telenovella "Ven conmigo"(Come with me) that lead nearly one million adults to enroll in the National Plan for Adult Education, who went back to Elementary school.
Then, his telenovellas Acompaname, Caminemos y Vamosjuntos, (Come along with me), (Let’s walk together) and (Let’s go together) played a key factor in the so called Mexican demographic miracle taking the birth rate from 3.7 to 2.4. Should that drop hadn’t taken place, instead of the present 100 million people, Mexico would have had 150 million inhabitants.

He designed , directed and produced Channel 9, the only cultural channel in the world sponsored by a private network with of commercial advertisements. This effort lasted for ten years. Sabido’s TV show “Mexico en la Cultura”, a totally cultural show, had ratings comparable to any other commercial show in its time slot.

As Research Vice-President he developed a series of research methods that were unique and a real novelty, such as the “emotional and reptilian research”, based on his research on the tone. Sabido´s Theory of the Tone was published in 2002 by the University of Mexico (UNAM), and it is in the process of being translated into several languages.

Sabido is then, a unique all-encompassing communication professional: producer, scriptwriter, playwright, and director; Theater, radio, television, printed matters and most recently in the Internet. He has received more than 70 domestic and international awards. But he is also a “thinker, philosopher and insighter” on communications. He has put into practice several theories, including his own on the tone, and has designed successful research techniques. He has always been looking for new concepts in the social and civilizing use of the mass media, the social responsibility of the broadcaster, the tonal strategies of the micro, media and macro communication.

His work has been used and recognized all over the world, with outstanding results in countries such as India, the Philippines, Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, Brazil, China, among others.

The United Nations have awarded him and Population Communication – International (PCI) named him “Savior of the World”. The Entertainment-Education Community and Conference has recognized him as the pioneer in the world.

His most recent success Los jovenes al teatro(youngsters to theater) has made junior hiigh and high school students attend plays and become the audience of tomorrow's for cultured thater.

In movies, Sabido's Opera Prima, Celestina and the master piece Santo Luzbel received several awards and extraordinary reviews.

Presently, Sabido as the founding President of the IMEC(Mexican Institute for Communication Studies) is providing consultancy on Entertainment Education to several countries of the world.

He is the CEO of Nuevo Sol Productions in Mexico, and Miguel Sabido, Inc. in Houston, Texas, USA

Source :

Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

Being Smart From Your Home

Sometime, children have difficulties for doing their homework at home. parent should take part on this situation. Children whos their parent are clever will be smiling because they now they can count on them. But, what about if the parent not that smart to help?

The good news is internet can do almost everything. Helping everybody for doing homework is so easy. In indonesia, parent should visit this website

The simulation methode that developed in this website is educating and entertaining.

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

How to Develop Edutainment Software that is Entertaining

Wonder why developers keep rolling out those awful educational games that look like they were designed by amateurs? Educational games, known as "Edutainment", are typically purchased by school districts, teachers, and parents because of their educational value. However, many edutainment titles suffer greatly when it comes to gameplay and entertainment.

Here's how to develop edutainment titles that actually excel both as an educational tool, and as a form of entertainment :

  1. Evaluate the existing market. School staff and faculty, and parents are your target consumers, but students are your intended audience. It isn't easy to balance the two inside of one product, but it is certainly not impossible. The target consumers often purchase titles based upon a school's history with a specific title, word of mouth, and their observation of students who use the software. Students will often ask for software based purely on its entertainment factor.
  2. Define requirements. What subject will the software cover? Is it intended as a teaching aid, or a teaching replacement? How complex is the subject, and how will this affect injecting it into a form of entertainment?

    • Identify grade level. Most grade school academics are relatively easy to include in edutainment titles without detracting from their educational value, where as subjects covered in middle school and high school are much more difficult. Edutainment publishers will often sell software with specific, pre-defined categories of grade levels (ie: 4th to 5th grade).
    • Specify educational goals. For core sciences such as physics or math, what lessons should be taught inside your software? If you define clear educational goals early, you'll be able to focus more on the actual entertainment portion of the software as it accomplishes those goals.
    • Set your standards early in the development cycle. Consult educational professionals for acceptable grade levels and subjects, but be weary of generalizations and stereotypes.
    • Determine level of interactions. Some subjects such as reading, require less interaction, while others require much more. Interaction for an edutainment title that focuses on math is particularly important. For subjects that require less interaction, focus on creating software that creates an increased level of involvement. It is naturally easy to create more entertaining math software because of this interaction. For subjects requiring less, balance the ability to teach with the need to keep students engrossed within the software.
  3. Watch out for taboos. Be careful when including controversial topics or situations in edutainment titles. What is acceptable for one school may be seen as offensive at another. Keep in mind the geography of your target consumers, and their values. What works in the UK and Europe may not fly too well in the United States, and what works in public schools, may be offensive in private schools.
  4. Design with entertainment value in mind. With the academics of the software well defined, focus on making an interactive experience that draws students into the game. For example, a title that teaches physics could be modeled so that it would be necessary to solve physics equations in order to design in-game weapons and defenses to use in a tactics-oriented title.

    • Don't insult the player's intelligence. Students will grow tired with any software that isn't challenging enough to keep them guessing.
    • Avoid slow-moving stories and interrupted game play. Students will often use this software during a class or study period, so their time is limited. Shoot for a title that can be entertaining and educational within a 30 minute period of time. Utilize real-time or quick turn-based game play whenever possible, but avoid software that requires button mashing.
    • Keep the software dynamic. One style of entertainment or game play does not suit everyone. Some students may be simply fascinated with simulation games such as Civilization, while others can barely stay focused on something that doesn't require some action. If you're developing a simulation or other turn-base title, add mini-games to break up the monotony of this style.
    • Make the story entertaining. Add a little of all story elements to keep the player guessing. A little suspense, mystery, adventure, and plot twists will turn a dull story into an entertaining and involved experience.
    • Produce appropriate graphics, sound, and music tracks. Each edutainment genre and grade level is haunted by a stereotypical style. This doesn't justify the need to utilize low-quality midi music in grade-school software, nor does it justify extremes such as including rap music. Gauge the appropriate style of media for the title, but stretch the stereotypes to be creative and entertaining.

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

Edutainment, Terminology

Edutainment (also educational entertainment or entertainment-education) is a form of entertainment designed to educate as well as to amuse.

Edutainment typically seeks to instruct or socialize its audience by embedding lessons in some familiar form of entertainment: television programs, computer and video games, films,music, websites, multimedia software, etc. Examples might be guided nature tours that entertain while educating participants on animal life and habitats, or a video game that teaches children conflict resolution skills. Most often, edutainment seeks either to tutor in one or more specific subjects, or to change behavior by engendering specific sociocultural attitudes. Successful edutainment is discernible by the fact that learning becomes fun and teachers or speakers educate an audience in a manner which is both engaging and amusing.

It can be argued that edutainment has existed for millennia in the form of parables and fables that promoted social change. One of the most influential modern-day practitioner and theorist in the field is Miguel Sabido. In the 1970s, Sabido began producing telenovelas (soap operas or serial dramas) that combined communication theory with pro-health/education messages to educate audiences throughout Latin America about family planning, literacy, and other topics. His model, which incorporated the work of Albert Bandura and others theorists, as well as research to determine whether programs impacted audience behavior, revolutionized the field. Today, these principles are being used extensively in the health communication field to educate people around the world about important health issues. Various groups in the United States and the United Kingdom have used edutainment to address such health and social issues as substance abuse, immunization, teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and cancer. Initiatives in major universities, such as Johns Hopkins University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, NGOs such as PCI-Media Impact, and government agencies such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC), are using edutainment to impact the United States and the world.

he term edutainment was used as early as 1948 by The Walt Disney Company to describe the True Life Adventures series.

The noun edutainment is a neologistic portmanteau used by Robert Heyman in 1973 while producing documentaries for the National Geographic Society. It ws also used by Dr. Chris Daniels in 1975 to encapsulate the theme of his Millennium Project. This project later became known as The Elysian World Project.

Edutainment can be used to describe various learning modules.

Entertainment-Education uses a blend of core communication theories and fundamental entertainment pedagogy to guide the preparation of the programming. Additionally the CDC has a tip sheet available on its website that provides additional guidance for writers and producers .

The major communication theories that influence Entertainment-Education include:

  • Persuasion Theory: (Aristotle, Petty, Cacioppo) Psychological characteristics affect the response of a person to messages. Also indicates the message and source factors that influence a person's response such as the credibility, attractiveness, and expertise of the source.
  • Theory of Reasoned Action: (Ajzen, Fishbein) Social influences affect behavior, including beliefs and perceived social norms.
  • Social Learning Theory: (Bandura) People learn by observing others and the consequences of their behavior. If the person so chooses, they then emulate the behavior by rehearsing the action, taking action, comparing their experiences to the experiences of others, and then adopting the new behavior.
  • Diffusion Theory: (Rogers) Behavior spreads through a community or group over a period of time. Television may plant the idea, but social networks reinforce it and cause it to grow.

Pedagogy involved with Entertainment-Education include:

  • Relevance: Learning is more likely when people can see the usefulness of the knowledge they are given.
  • Incremental Learning: Learning is most effective when people can learn at their own pace.
  • Distributed Learning: (Fossard) Different people learn in different ways over different periods of time. It is important to present information differently so that people can absorb it.